Friday, February 04, 2005

Thursday and Friday

We did code review on Friday, looking through Tay's Hardware Interface code. Doing the code reviews is good for the obvious reason of finding errors and the somewhat connected, making suggestions about their algorithms and sparking new ideas. It's also great because we all gain a much deeper understanding of everyone else's code.

I rewrote some of the SPacket class, and (over) zealously removed some of the methods. Tay fixed up a a couple of those errors (Java and C++ have very different string classes) and it's better than the written-for-C-strings-but-used-on-real-strings code that it once was. I also commented the entire class heavily, so the next time changes need to be made, they'll be a lot easier to implement.

I also fixed a few problems that I had been having with the dual 350 that's probably going to end up running everything but the vision processing.

Hours Thursday and Friday: 19


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