Friday, February 11, 2005


We get more and more busy as we near our goal...we're getting close. Things of note this week, OverallPathfinding is working (read: it compiles) and I'm going to be testing that today or tomorrow (Saturday/Sunday) and if we can get it and StepperCalculator running, we just might be moving the car on Sunday; Chris says that the National Instruments (NI) stuff that runs the Senior Design team's systems (throttle, brake, steering, speed) is ready to go.

Late last night (11pm-2am) was trying to do some more testing (simulator) of VehicleHandler, but it just found some problems. Tay and I worked on that this morning (it was before Noon) today as well, but problems aren't solved yet. Finding is good, though! On Wednesday, I spent a little bit of time watching videos from last year's start and at the meeting we went over things that we should watch out for. I'm most concerned about shadow confusion (which Tay is putting effort into mitigating) and the car being indecisive, either not going anywhere or turning in circles.


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